Project →
Type Experiments—The Pillow Book
Categories →
Typography/Photography/Video Editing
Year →
Spring 2021
Fonts In Use →
Akzidenz Grotesk(required)
Objective →
The goal is to explore the definition of experimentation and push the design and conceptual skills to new levels. Develop abstract concepts and personal interpretations through a selected film and a given typeface. Create movie posters and a movie trailer.
Approach →
After many rounds of type experiments, I chose the film The Pillow Book, a 1996 erotic film written and directed by Peter Greenaway, to go with the posters and trailer. I wrote calligraphy on the models' bodies and took a collection of pictures. The calligraphy on the skin resonates with the film, a melding of dark modern drama with idealized Chinese and Japanese cultural themes and settings, and centers on body painting.
Project →
Type Experiments—The Pillow Book
Develop Abstract Concepts and Personal Interpretations of the film The Pillow Book in the Form of Type Experiments by Designing a Series of Typographic Posters and a Movie Trailer.Categories →
Typography/Photography/Video Editing
Year →
Spring 2021
Fonts In Use →
Akzidenz Grotesk(required)
Objective →
The goal is to explore the definition of experimentation and push the design and conceptual skills to new levels. Develop abstract concepts and personal interpretations through a selected film and a given typeface. Create movie posters and a movie trailer.
Approach →
After many rounds of type experiments, I chose the film The Pillow Book, a 1996 erotic film written and directed by Peter Greenaway, to go with the posters and trailer. I wrote calligraphy on the models' bodies and took a collection of pictures. The calligraphy on the skin resonates with the film, a melding of dark modern drama with idealized Chinese and Japanese cultural themes and settings, and centers on body painting.